2nd October 2022

Here is the latest Benefice Bulletin which gives details of events from Sunday: as  usual it will form the back of the Reading Sheets handed out at all three churches. 

Just to remind you there will a Coffee Morning at Westoning Village Hall from 10.00 to 12.00 on Saturday in aid of Macmillan.  

Also to remind you at 6.30pm there will be a Harvest Supper in Harlington Church. It is a bring and share event, all welcome. Also bring an apt, favourite poem or favourite music CD. Tea ,coffee, juice available or bring your own drink. If you need a lift, please contact Tricia.

Finally a reminder that the Men’s Breakfast that was to have been held at the Chequers on Saturday has been postponed.

For Harlington, Tingrith and Westoning
Sunday 2nd October
Harlington 8.00am BCP service
Harlington 9.00am Messy Breakfast in the Parish Hall, with continental breakfast,
craft and stories.
Harlington 9.30am Harvest Communion Service
Tingrith 9.30am Morning Prayer
Westoning 11.00am Morning Praise
Tuesday 4th 10.00-12.00 Westcaf at Westoning Village Hall. ALL WELCOME
Weekly social gathering offering coffee, tea and a piece of cake and company, all free – time to chat and to meet friends old and new.
1.00-3.30 Craft & Sewing Bee at Westoning Village Hall.
Come and join us for the afternoon – bring your current project. All welcome – enquiries Penny Denman – 01525-720695
Wednesday 5th 10.00am Holy Communion at Harlington
7.30pm Prayer Meeting for the Benefice in particular the appointment of the new vicar – Westoning Church – all welcome.
Friday 7th 1.15-2.45. Little Stars – Toddler Group in Westoning Church
For pre-school children and babies with parents/carers. All welcome, fun with crafts, play dough, songs, toys, snacks and refreshments.
2.00-4.00 Friday Fellowship at Westoning Village Hall.
Come and join us for the afternoon. Speakers, craft, games and a cuppa and company. Any queries – Joyce Corless 01525 – 752747
NEXT SUNDAY – 9th October
Tingrith No service today
Harlington 9.30 Holy Communion Service
Westoning 11.00 Holy Communion Service with Reverend Roger Wood
Westoning 3.30pm Families Together Afternoon Café Church. Please join us for a short family service lasting around 40 minutes with a story, singing and as always some craft and refreshments. We would love to see you.

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