Dear All
Here we are on Saturday evening again.. another week completed of lockdown. When Nigel and I went out for an evening walk the other day we noticed the lights of several Christmas Trees appearing early in the houses.. perhaps we are not the only ones finding the dark rather heavier this year? The lights twinkling and shining forth are such an encouragement.
This Sunday we celebrate Christ the King - with an uncomfortable challenge - when did we serve you Lord?
We also celebrate Stir Up Sunday.. traditionally the day to make Christmas puddings ready for Christmas and this year our bishops call us to pray on the hour throughout Sunday and Monday for our country, for our church, and for our world, in the light of the challenge of when did we do this for you Lord. There are prayer resources to accompany the call to prayer which we will forward.
Our recorded service can be viewed through the usual link and will also be posted to the Church Websites and church Facebook pages. This week's music comes from St Martins in the Fields singers, with intro by Nicholas. We extend our thanks again to Robert for compiling the service with beautiful background photos. Click this link for access to the service:
Zoom Worship and Gatherings
Upper Room on Sunday 6pm by Zoom: Theme this week is 'Thou my whole armour'
Morning Prayer (by zoom, please ask for details)
Monday 9.30am
Tuesday 9.30am
Wednesday 9.30am
Harlington Churches Together worship service:Thursday eve 8pm by zoom... link to be sent out later.
Private Prayer in church:This week four of the Quintet churches will open on Sunday morning for an hour and again later in the week:
Harlington Sunday at 9.45am, Thursday at 10am
Chalgrave Sunday at 10am, Thursday at 10.30am
Westoning Sunday at 10.30am, Wednesday at noon
Toddington Sunday at 11am, Thursday at 10.30am
Prayer for the Nation: The Archbishops have called us to pray for the Nation during this period of lockdown. Thy Kingdom Come prayer resources and daily You Tube prayers are being released and I will forward these to you as I am able. They are also available from the Church of England Facebook page and website. Here is a link to click to access resources and the Prayer Booklet.
The weblink to the resources is In addition, please find here a direct link to a simple printable prayer booklet which is intended to be shared with all members of your congregation -Prayer Booklet.
Afternoon Tea by Zoom
Harlington 4.30pm Tuesday
Toddington 4.15pm Wednesday
Westoning 4pm on Thursday
Harlington PCC Meeting is on Wednesday eve at 7.30pm by zoom
Chalgrave PCC has been postponed from last week to this week.. day and time tbc.
Diary Dates:
Ampthill Deanery Chapter this Thursday at 11am by zoom (for Clergy and Readers)
Dunstable Deanery Synod meeting by Zoom: Wednesday 2nd December 2020 at 7.30pm (for Deanery Synod Reps)
Please hold in your prayers the families who grieve for: Beryl Lovegrove, John Shearsmith and Sheila Mander whose funerals took place last week.
We really hope you are coping ok during this strange lockdown period. If you need a chat or any support please don't hesitate to contact us. Also, if you would like to request a prayer please do get in touch. This is a challenging period, and we dearly hope that we will all be together again soon in the churches (and outside) to worship and pray together, and to walk the Advent journey together as we prepare for Christmas.
We send our love and our prayers
Linda and Nigel