Dear All
Here is the Benefice Bulletin giving details of services and events from Sunday.
On Sunday we are holding our very first Benefice Service at 10.30am (not 10am as you may have seen elsewhere) in Tingrith Church. We are very excited about it. It is a wonderful opportunity for the three congregations to meet and worship together. It is so important for the future of our churches that we get to know each other and move forward together as we look forward to finding and welcoming our new vicar. There will be plenty of room in Tingrith’s beautiful church. Parking could be tight so please do arrange to share lifts if possible. Parking will be next to the wall beside the church, in the area by the church gate, in Church Road, in St Nicholas Close and if necessary in the main road.
Please do join us. I look forward to seeing you
Kind regards
Jon Denman (Reader/Lay Minister)
For Harlington, Tingrith and Westoning Sunday 16th October
Harlington 9.30 A said service of Morning Prayer with no hymns or sermon.
Tingrith 10.30 Benefice Service – Joint service for all three churches. Please do come and join us on this very special occasion – a chance for the congregations of the three churches in the benefice to meet and worship together in this lovely little church.
Westoning 11.00 A short said service of Morning Prayer without hymns or sermon led by one of the church wardens, for those not aware of the Benefice Service.
Tuesday 18th 10.00-12.00 Westcaf at Westoning Village Hall. ALL WELCOME - Weekly social gathering offering coffee, tea and a piece of cake and company, all free – time to chat and to meet friends old and new.
1.00-3.30 Craft & Sewing Bee at Westoning Village Hall. Come and join us for the afternoon – bring your current project. All welcome – enquiries Penny Denman – 01525-720695
Wednesday 19th 10.00 Holy Communion at Harlington
Friday 21st 1.15-2.45 Little Stars – Toddler Group in Westoning Church For pre-school children and babies with parents/carers. All welcome, fun with crafts, play dough, songs, toys, snacks and refreshments.
2.00-4.00 Friday Fellowship at Westoning Village Hall. Come and join us for the afternoon. Speakers, craft, games and a cuppa and company. Any queries – Joyce Corless 01525 – 752747
NEXT SUNDAY 23rd October
Harlington 9.30 Service of the Word
Westoning 11.00 All Age Worship (on screen)
Tingrith 3.00 Informal Service
All 6.00 Upper Room via zoom – log in details will be in next week’s bulletin
In Loving Memory. A service will be held at each of our 3 churches to remember those we love but see no more. Names of those to be remembered will be read out during each service and a list will be made available for you to add names at your church. For Westoning you can also telephone (01525) 714064 or email with details (Please mark you email subject ILM)
Services are: Harlington - Sunday 30th October at 5pm, Tingrith - Sunday 6th November at 9:30am, Westoning - Sunday 6th November at 3pm.