Hello Everyone
'We Will Remember Them' is a clear theme this week during Remembrance week.
Last Sunday we held 'In Loving Memory Services' at Tingrith, Westoning, Chalgrave and Toddington churches to offer an opportunity to remember loved ones who have died and who we miss. Harlington remembered John Bunyan in their evening service (their 'In Loving Memory service' was the preceding week).
On Thursday, on Armistice Day at 11am on the 11th November there were special remembrance services at Toddington on the Green with the British Legion, and in the local schools, followed by the evening Remembrance Service at St George's Church which was accompanied by the British Legion, and the Quintet Choir who sang some beautifully moving songs, led by Nicholas.
This evening at 9pm the BBC will broadcast the Remembrance Service from the Royal Albert Hall.. which will pay tribute to the fallen and mark the centenary year of the Royal British Legion.. an organisation which has offered such important support to those affected by war.
Tomorrow our usual morning services will not quite follow their usual pattern as we gather to attend the various civic Remembrance ceremonies and join with our local communities to pay our respects.
This Sunday's services are as follows:
Toddington/Chalgrave 9.30am Benefice service of Holy Communion at Toddington Church. (Linda)
Toddington village Remembrance Parade at the Green gathering at 10.40 for an 11am service (Linda)
Westoning Church 9.30am Families service (led by Rebecca and Nigel)
Westoning Church 11am Service of Remembrance and Holy Communion (Nigel)
Westoning War Memorial 12.30pm a village Service of Remembrance. (Nigel)
Tingrith A Service of Remembrance 9.30am - (Phil Steer LLW)
Harlington 10.30am folks gather at the war memorial for the 11am village Remembrance Service.
Harlington Church - A Church Service of Remembrance follows the Village Remembrance service (Robert)
Chalgrave Church - Remembrance Service at 3pm with Tebworth and Wingfield villages. (Linda)
The Upper Room online zoom service 6pm
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Other events and services this week:
Sunday 14th
Harlington -World War 2 Exhibition - Parish Rooms following the Remembrance events.
Monday 15th
Morning Prayer 9.30am Toddington Church
Mums and Tots group 9-10.30am Wilkinson Hall, Toddington
House group for Harlington Church members 2.30pm.. please contact Nigel for more details.
Online Alpha 7.45pm by zoom. Link to be sent out separately.
Tuesday 16th
West Caf meet 10-12noon, Westoning Village Hall
Wednesday 17th
Morning Worship 10am Harlington Church
Harlington PCC 19.30pm
Thursday 18th
Georgian's Fellowship 2pm Wilkinson Hall, Toddington
Chalgrave PCC 17.30pm
Toddington PCC 19.30pm
Friday 19th
Little Stars 1.15pm Westoning Church
Friday Fellowship 2pm Westoning Village Hall
Saturday 20th
Christmas Bazaar 9.30 to 12.30pm Wilkinson Hall, Toddington
Christmas Wreath Making Workshop, with Afternoon Tea.. Chalgrave Church, 1pm to 4pm
Next Sunday 21st November
We will gather in Shoebox donations at Toddington Church and Harlington Church to send to Samaritan's Purse.
Services next Sunday:
Chalgrave 9.30am Holy Communion
Toddington 11am Holy Communion - please bring your shoeboxes for Samaritan's Purse.
Harlington 9.30am Holy Communion
Westoning 11am Holy Communion
Tingrith - no service
The Upper Room online service at 6pm
As 'We Remember' this week.. we give you our thanks for your continued help and support, for your energy, friendship and inspiration and for your tremendous hard work in so many different ways in our communities.
God bless you all
Linda and Nigel