14th February

Hello everyone,

What a cold week it has been!  We hope you have all managed to stay safe and warm.

We have been on a brisk 8 mile walk today which was lovely, but oh so cold. How grateful we are for warm clothing and lots of layers, and a warm home to return to.  We have had several conversations this week reminiscing about winters past which were definitely much colder than today.... with Jack Frost on the inside of the bedroom windows, thin gloves used to gather up the snow for snowballing - with fingers wet and cold, snow drifts several feet high, just one fire in the house and no radiators, chilblains, ice thick enough on lakes for iceskating...and I can remember one winter when the school coach to Dunstable couldn't get up the hill into Toddington to take us to school despite us getting out to push and we had to walk home to Flitwick in the snow.  Happy times. How good it is to look back and remember.. and how good it is to appreciate and value special memories.

This week at church we look forward in the church calendar to Lent, with Shrove Tuesday on Tuesday leading into Ash Wednesday with the beginning of Lent.  As Church services are still suspended we will offer an online Quintet zoom Ash Wednesday service at 7.30pm on Wednesday and will let you know in another email about plans for a Lent course and other services and events this week.

Services this Sunday 14th February 2021

Second Sunday before Lent service Sunday 07 February – Harlington St. Mary's Parish Church

Click on the image below for this week’s recorded service for the second Sunday before Lent


  • 9.30am Morning Worship service in Harlington church
  • 11am online Quintet Morning Worship via zoom
  • 6pm Quintet 'Upper Room' worship via zoom

With best wishes

Linda and Nigel

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