Prayer Ministry Team


Prayer is fundamental to everything we do at St Mary Magdalene Church.

So many today are hurting and in need of comfort, support, and healing, whether physical, emotional, spiritual, relational or financial.

The Gospel stories reveal many with lives that had been distorted and broken but who were changed or healed when they met with Jesus. His gentle touch through prayer brought peace, reassurance and healing.

As a church we believe that God has the desire and power to meet us in our circumstances, anxieties and sickness, whether big or small.

Members of the Prayer Team are available to pray confidentially with anyone:

1. Weekly at the end of Sunday services

2. Emergency prayer concerns: contact Margaret Timothy to be included on to the Prayer Chain.

3. Healing Services: (See Church calendar on website)

4. Longer prayer sessions available on request.

5. '60 minutes with God': monthly church prayer meeting - First Wednesday of each month

For more information contact Margaret Timothy on : 07958292655 or email:


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